Im so sorry that i dont post alot anymore... Ive been caught up in my school work. To tell you the truth all those tv shows that show all that high school drama... It osnt true! At all! The biggest diffrence from middle school is being able to change your classes and having more freedom ... The people act the same still. That might be the biggest problem, brcause in all my classes the kids act like they should still be in preschool! I hope this helped! -xoxo Geekly chic
Hey fashionistas! Im sorry i havent posted recently ... Ive been pretty busy with my classes. Well anyway, its time for dots! Dots, dots, dots, everywhere!! On shoes, shorts, shirts, dresses, pants, etc. so pull out those dots and start wearing them! ~xoxo Geekly Chic
Welcome to warm weather, sunshine and beautiful sights! Its spring of course! So pull out your short shorts in any color match them with tights, a tank, or anything else! Xoxo-geekly chic
It dosemt matter if u were born in august, january, or any month. All of these birthstones are so lovely. Who would want to wear them all? So, choose your favorite one and wear it all the time. Its not your birthstone but its belated!
Well today is easter. I got some great gifts and i hope you did to. I hope your easter is Eggcelent!-xoxo geekly chic
Prom is coming up soon. And its time to bring out the glitz glitz glitter! So, bring on the sequin. Because everything is gonna be bright and shiny the spring prom!
They are light and perfect for spring. They come in all diffrent colors and best of all they are cute for spring. Go get some lovely laces for yourself. Xoxo-geekly chic
Best friend are not only a person you have fun and hang out with. They are the person you go to when your feeling down, who is exicted when you are. And last but not least loves you for you, even with your quirks. So, show your love with your best friend necklaces, braclets, shirts, etc. xoxo-Geekly Chic
So, its starting to get warmer, and we all want a quick easy way to make our hair look picture perfect! Well, heres the answer.... Braids! There are easy can look casual or fancy. And best of all their easy. Heres some easy how to's on braids. Best wishes-xoxo geekly chic
Spring is here! And what comes to mind when you think of spring? Flowers of course! So, its time to pull out the floral prints and start celebrating spring. XoXo- Geekly Chic